How did I get here?

I’m from this generation of designers when flash websites were to the industry what Tesla is to electric cars today.

It started with


Truly obsessed with alphabets & signs, I started writing my [not real] name on walls from the age of 14 and started learning typography on my own.

Then got into

Logos & Posters

Around 2008, the evolution of graffiti led me to create custom logos for friends and design posters for local events and flyers for [not only illegal] raves.

And finally discovered

Web Design

2010: Attending art school didn't meet my expectations, so instead I enrolled in a web training and learned all the basics from design to back-end development.

Why am I in this industry?

There’s always room to grow in this –keep evolving- job, because it’s collaborative, creative, and totally cool.

It is one of the greatest things about being a designer, to be able to create meaningful experiences that have an impact, and then measure how effective they are.

Creating experiences that are fulfilling, engaging, and keep users coming back is what I strive for.

In my spare time, you'll find me
 outside, chilling with friends 

Fav quote

"I do what I loveand I love what I do."

I can also (genuinely) help you with

User Experience

Smooth and friction-les like a sweet margarita in the summer.


Just like your best OOTD; can't have mismatched socks.


Qualitative and Quantitative is key. Can you imagine Yin without Yang?

Visual Design

Design is not dead.
Else, what am I doing here?!

Team Spirit

United We Stand! I'm not the lone ranger type, more of a green Power Ranger.

Design Systems

A product without a Design System is like going to Ikea without a plan: chaotic.

Is this a Match?

"Not Yet": Check my latest resume →

"Yes!": Get In Touch